La Finca


Una propiedad de Young Life

a resort-quality camp owned and operated by Young Life


Una propiedad de Young Life

Welcome to La Finca Camp!​

La Finca (The Farm) is a Young Life Camp/Coffee farm hidden in the mountains of Matagalpa, Nicaragua. Here, a young Nicaraguan comes to experience the love of Christ and to have the best week of their life!

La Finca began in 1992 with the first Young Life camp and has been expanded to host 350 guests. Many projects are accomplished each year by Service and Learning Teams (mission teams) who partner with Vida Joven Nicaragua. When the camp is not being used by Vida Joven Nicaragua it hosts church groups and NGOs and Service and Learning Teams.

Every pound of coffee grown on La Finca serves the additional purpose of helping raise the necessary funds to send Nicaraguan young people to camp.

Currently at Camp